Part 1
Policy Details
Part 2
Childcare Setting
Parents or Guardian
This contract is to be read and signed.

Maria Anne Kitchen
Bierley Childcare
376 Rooley Lane

Tel: 01274 825314

Mobile: 07952736675

Public liability insurance No RTT161353 Royal & Sun Alliance Expires 22nd June 2021

My registration details:
My name is Maria. I am a qualified childminder, and a member of the National Childminding Association (NCMA) now called Pacey..

Opening times
I provide care for children between 7.15am – 6.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Thursday’s before and after school only during term time.

Please note that I take 13 days holiday in September and 2 weeks in December and also the bank holiday periods the setting is closed.I do give 4 months notice to allow you to make alternative arrangements, please note that the normal fee is still due for the holiday periods that I take.

Late Collection
If you are likely to be late collecting your child please can you phone and let me know.

I understand that occasional late collection is unavoidable. So while no charges will be made for occasional late collection, if this becomes an ongoing problem then we may need to review the hours as stated in the contract.

If you are more than 15 minutes late you will be billed accordingly..

If you fail to collect your child within half an hour of when you are due then I will try calling you. Then I will telephone your emergency contact. After one hour from the original agreed collection time I will notify the local authority social worker.

Absence policy
Please can you notify me if you are planning to go on holiday It will help me regarding planning activities and outings for the other children. Likewise please ring and let me know if your child is sick and unable to attend for the day.

If you need to collect your child early for any reason please notify me if possible at the start of the day.

If your child is absent for any reason including sickness or holidays, then fees are not refunded to retain your child’s place.

If I am unable to provide care:
If I am unable to care for your child for any reason (such as sickness) I will try to give you as much notice as possible to make alternate arrangements. For example, I can suggest alternate childminders who may be able to take your child at short notice if they have space. I will ring to let you know if I am closed for the day and you will receive a refund at your normal hourly rate at the end of the month.

Illness and medical policy
Before your child starts in my care you will be asked to complete a child profile form which includes medical information about your child such as asthma. This should indicate any serious allergies the child may have including foods to avoid and any other things that I should be aware of in looking after your child. It is very important that you communicate in writing any changes in your child’s development or physical needs that may become apparent as they grow up.

If your child becomes unwell while in my care and I feel that he or she should be at home then you will be contacted and requested that you collect your child immediately. This is at my discretion and applies even if a doctor has said that your child is fit and not infectious.

In general, if a child has a contagious infection I would ask that for the benefit of the other children in my care that the child be kept at home while they are contagious or feeling especially unwell. You must keep them at home if they have any communicable disease such as chickenpox or measles. If they have diarrhoea or vomiting please keep them at home until they have been clear for 48 hours.
The attached Guidance on Infection and Control in Schools and Other Childcare Settings from the Health Protection Agency is a guideline to exclusion periods for various infections. Please note that there could be occasions when a child will be excluded as a precautionary measure based upon information received or visual observations.

I am not permitted to administer any medicines to your child without your prior written consent which must be obtained in every instance. This includes medicines such as Calpol. If your child has a high fever or is particularly unwell then you will need to collect them immediately.

You will need to complete a permission form to allow me to administer any medication. Any medicines I administer will be recorded in my medicines administered book that is kept next to the front door. You will need to sign to say we have discussed what was given. Medicines need to be kept in their original box and prescriptions need to have the prescription labels on them. Medicines must not usually be administered unless they have been prescribed for your child by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. I can only give medicines containing aspirin if they have been prescribed by your child’s doctor.

All medicines in my house are kept out of reach of children at all times. If I ever have to take any medicines, then I always check first to make sure that they will not affect my ability to care for children.

Keeping children safe

Safety of premises, environment and equipment
Keeping children safe while they are in my house is my top priority. While I am looking after your child, he or she will always be within my sight or hearing.

This is a smoke free environment (both indoors and outside while the children are present.) I ensure that neither I, nor anyone else who has contact with the children while in my setting, is under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which may affect our ability to care for the children.

I take pride in keeping my house clean and my premises have been checked by Ofsted and they meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. I regularly ensure that my house, outdoor garden and toys are safe for the children to use. I keep the house secure, and the keys are not kept in the front door. I use appropriate safety equipment such as stair gates and cupboard locks, socket covers, and ensure that all equipment such as high chairs and push chairs are fitted with the correct safety harnesses.

We regularly hold fire drills and practice evacuating the building all together and waiting by the front gate. The smoke detectors are tested weekly. I have a fire blanket and extinguisher in my kitchen.

Learning about personal hygiene is important and in this house we wash our hands before eating and after using the toilet. I provide tissues (and help and encourage children to use them). I will also encourage them to put their hand over their mouths when they cough.

I have a valid first aid certificate and can administer basic first aid if required. I take great care to avoid accidents and ensure that the activities your child participates in are safe, however it is inevitable that small children will suffer the odd bump or bruise. Whenever an accident occurs, I record this in my accidents book and you will need to sign it to say you were made aware of what happened.

If your child arrives with an existing injury then you will also need to sign the accident form. For example, if your child bumped their head at the weekend then I need to be aware of this so that: firstly, I don’t think it has happened while they are with me, and secondly, because your child has had a head injury and I need to be aware of this fact. This is also extremely important in the case of cuts or bruising that I may not discover until later in the day during nappy changes etc. and which could be a safeguarding issue. It is my job to take safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. If your child has any kind of existing injury when they arrive at my house, then you MUST tell me about it.

In the extremely unlikely event of a serious accident, illness, injury or death of any child while in my care, I will notify Ofsted about the incident and of the action taken.

Items to be brought with the child daily
You need to provide all nappies, wipes and creams to be used by your child. Bottles for babies should also be made up and brought along.

You should provide me with at least one complete change of clothes, sun cream, sun hat, wellington boots, coat gloves, hat and rain gear. In addition it would be good to have some old clothes that can be worn when we do painting or other messy play.

You may also want to bring a comfort item such as a stuffed animal or blanket that the child is familiar with to sleep with.

Please note that while it is very rare that we lose toys or possessions you send with your child that these things do occasionally happen. So if a particular toy or possession is very special or expensive please keep it at home as I will not be held responsible for loss or damage to items brought with your child.

All information on children and families is kept securely and treated in confidence. In general, the confidential information I have on file will only be shared if you give permission or there appears to be a child protection issue. I will only share information about your child with you or your child’s other carers, other professionals working with your child, or with the police, social services or Ofsted. All details will be kept confidential and records are kept secure.

If your child attends nursery or another setting while in my care, or arrives from nursery, school or another setting, then we will need to be able to share appropriate information between each other. This two way flow of information will help your child to make the transition between carers. It will also keep you informed about anything you need to know that you weren’t there to hear yourself. You will need to sign to say you are happy for me to share information about your child in this way, and to pass along any information I learn to you.

If there is any aspect of my service you are not happy with please bring it to my attention. Frank and open discussion would be best, however if you prefer, you can put the complaint formally in writing or by email to me.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, I will investigate it myself or it will be passed on to Ofsted to investigate. For impartial advice, you can call the PACEY Information Line on 0800 169 4486. Complaints will be treated sensitively. You will be notified of the outcome and receive a copy of any written records regarding the complaint within 28 days.

I will keep a written record of all complaints, recording the following:
• Name of person making the complaint.
• Nature of the complaint.
• Date and time of the complaint.
• Action taken in response to the complaint.
• The outcome of the complaint investigation (for example, ways the service has improved).
• Details of the information and findings that were given to the person making the complaint (which should have been provided to them within 28 days), including any action taken.
• A summary of the complaint to provide on request to any parent of a child for whom I act as a childminder and Ofsted.

Records will be kept for 10 years.

If the complaint cannot be resolved or if the complaint is of a serious nature and you feel you cannot discuss it with me you should contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231.

Safeguarding, Welfare and Child Protection Issues
My policy for child protection and welfare is in line with EYFS Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare’ practices, social services and government guidelines.

As a childminder, I take responsibility for safeguarding the children in my setting. I have taken a child protection training course to enable me to identify, understand and respond to signs of possible abuse and neglect. I also have regard to the Government's statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ .

As a child care provider it is my responsibility to report any child protection concerns I might have to Ofsted and social services, following the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information. It is not my responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation myself.

I will inform Ofsted of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working, or looking after children at the premises (whether the allegations relate to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere). I must also notify Ofsted of the action taken in respect of the allegations.

Promoting equal opportunities
We are very fortunate to live in such a multicultural area. Children of different racial origins, cultures and languages will find a respectful environment in my care. With all of the children in my care I promote a positive attitude towards differences of race, culture, language and gender and challenge bullying or discrimination whenever I see it. I regularly evaluate my practice to make sure that I am respecting and valuing diversity in our range of toys, displays, books, activities and attitudes.

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Children with special educational needs and disabilities are welcome. They will be included, valued and supported, and I will do my best to adapt the activities we do to the abilities of the child.
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Settling in period
Leaving your child with a childminder is a big step for both of you. It will take time to adjust so a settling in period is very important. I encourage at least a one week settling in period for a couple of hours a day before you leave your child for the first full day with me. This will also allow you and your child chance to see how it all works and for us to learn about each other.

On your first visit I would ask that you stay for the entire time. For subsequent visits you can start leaving your child for short stretches, thus slowly settling them in. Talk to your child about what will happen. Always say goodbye when you leave and tell your child that you will be coming back. Gradually you can increase the length of time you are away until your child is more comfortable in my care.

All children are different and some children settle without any difficulties.

Typical daily schedule
Nappies are checked regularly throughout the day and changed as necessary. I wear disposable gloves for nappy changes which I discard after each nappy change and I always wipe the mat with antibacterial spray between children. Older children can be helped with potty training and toilet visits.

In the morning and after lunch we have quiet times for naps or quiet play depending on how much sleep your child requires. The amount of sleep your child requires will be something to discuss with me during the settling in period. I check sleeping babies or children at regular intervals. You may also want to bring a comfort item such as a stuffed animal or blanket that the child is familiar with to sleep with.

If your child doesn’t want to sleep they can engage in other activities in the large playroom so as not to disturb the other children/babies sleeping..

School or nursery pick up times can be worked into this schedule as required and you can discuss with me during your settling in period your child’s requirements for homework supervision, after school playtime, rest or TV time.

The really great thing about being a childminder is that I can be adaptable. An unexpected sunny day is a great excuse to go out. And if your child is feeling under the weather or tired, they can curl up and take it easy just like they would if they were at home.

Promoting children’s learning and development
It is my job to ensure that your child’s time in my care is happy and productive. I offer all the benefits of a nursery in a safe, child-centered home environment, with the added benefit of outings to the nearby park and woods and visits to Asda where the children help to pick the items from the picture list and also help to scan at the checkout.

One of the requirements of being a childminder is that I have completed a local authority approved training course to help me to understand and implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in this setting.
Children need to:
• play and explore - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
• be active learners - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy their achievements
• create and think critically - children need to have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things
In terms of your child’s early education, I offer activities, enabling environments and learning opportunities in the seven areas of learning and development: communication and language, physical development, personal and social development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design. These areas of learning and development are each important and are often inter-connected.
Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and the activities I plan take this into consideration. I try to plan challenging and enjoyable experiences for each child in all the areas of learning and development.
For children whose home language is not English, I will try to provide opportunities for them to develop and use their home language in play and learning, supporting their language development at home. However, I will also ensure that children have opportunities to learn and reach a good standard in English language during their time in my care.
In the setting I offer a mixture of adult-led planned activities and child-initiated ‘free play’ that can be adapted to suit babies, toddlers and pre-school children. I provide play activities and learning experiences that are suitable for each child’s age and development as they progress towards the Early Learning Goals outlined by the EYFS.
I try to build learning into everyday activities such as cooking and going to the shops. We do lots of art and craft activities including painting, finger painting, junk modelling, collage work, play dough and cutting, play corn crafts, sensory foil play. We dance and sing, imaginative play, water, sand, number rhymes and make believe. Activities are designed to allow the child to explore and discover their own interests and take into consideration the attention spans of different age groups.

Playing outdoors is also important we have a fully enclosed back garden that your child can access. We also visit the local parks so that we can get plenty of fresh air. We have a large playhouse for the older children where they can chill out on the large bean bags with access to books, games and role play activities and a smaller play house for the toddlers where they have access to a role play kitchen with table and chairs.

For school-age children you can discuss with me during your settling in period your child’s requirements for homework supervision, after school playtime, rest or TV time.

If I have happy children having fun being stimulated, learning and challenged at the same time in my care then I feel happy that I am providing the best possible care for your child.

Mealtimes: promoting a healthy, balanced diet
A healthy and nutritious lunch, morning snack and afternoon tea are included in the cost of your childcare. Fresh drinking water and milk is available throughout the day and accessible at all times.

For lunch I normally provide a hot meal if we are eating at home and sandwiches if we are going on a picnic. Vegetarian, non-dairy and other special dietary alternatives can be made available. For younger babies on a weaning programme, I can provide suitable mashed or liquidised foods. You need to provide all bottles ready made up at the beginning of each day.

Before your child is admitted to this setting you will need to provide me with information about any special dietary requirements, preferences or food allergies that your child may have. This information should be completed on the ‘child profile form’ which we will discuss during your settling in period. It is your responsibility to inform me of any changes to this information that may occur over time.
As a provider of meals and snacks I am aware of my responsibilities under food hygiene legislation. Cleanliness is taken very seriously: the kitchen and dining area are cleaned daily, sterilisation equipment is used where needed, Baby changing facilities are not kept near to the food preparation areas, and laundry is not carried out during food preparation to ensure that soiled clothing and detergents do not come into contact with food. I check the safety of food storage regularly, such as checking my fridge and freezer thermometers, storing food safely, and keeping everything clean.
In the highly unlikely event of an outbreak of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on my premises, I will notify Ofsted as soon as possible, but definitely within 14 days of the incident. I will keep all food receipts, including those under £10, so that if there is an outbreak of food poisoning on my premises I will be able to trace the outlet where the food was purchased.

Sample Menus

Morning snack
Sliced fruit and milk,juice,water,toast

Spaghetti Bolognese
Chicken Fingers,Carrot & Potato Waffles,Spaghetti Hoops
Egg Pasta with cheese sauce
Fish Cakes with sweet potato chips and peas
Jacket Potato with cheese and beans
Chicken Currry with rice

Deserts-Bio yoghurts,fromage frais, fresh fruit, ice cream

Managing children’s behaviour
Providing quality childcare is all about creating a loving home environment where children feel welcomed, respected and included. Being professional is also about being clear about expectations, giving lots of praise and encouragement, having a well-structured routine and setting fair, consistent boundaries. This is the ideal environment in which children thrive and develop responsibility.

This is a family home and I like to build an atmosphere of caring and sharing. It is important to teach the children to have regard for and to respect each other.

My general policy regarding discipline is consistency. I give positive reinforcement whenever possible. However, I will respond to unacceptable behaviour in an appropriate way according to the child’s age and level of understanding. When a problem does emerge I try to distract or redirect the child or children involved and talk things through. However if inappropriate behaviour does persist then I operate a time out policy. Where physical intervention is taken for the purposes of averting immediate danger of personal injury to any person (including the child) or to manage the child’s behaviour if absolutely necessary, this will be recorded as an ‘incident’.

House rules:
• We take off our outside shoes when we go in the house to keep the house clean.
• We do not swear, call each other names, fight or deliberately hurt anyone else.
• We eat and drink at the table or in the high chair to help keep the house clean and to avoid accidents.
• We are kind to each other.
• We take care of the toys, furniture and other equipment.

I keep an incident book for recording incidents relating to discipline (such as if I have to put your child into time out, if there is a fight between two children or an incident of biting or bullying). At the end of the day you will need to sign my incidents book to say that you were made aware of the incident.

Working with parents
At the end of the week I update Kinderley this records your childs development and observations and pictures are collated here for parents to access and comment it really helps if we can work together as much as possible and make this a two way dialogue where parents are sharing information with me.

I hope that if at any time you have suggestions, queries, concerns or questions about your child’s care that you will talk with me about them. As a professional, I am very open to both suggestions and criticism and both are always appreciated.

I will notify you in advance when I am to be inspected by Ofsted so that you can contribute your views to the inspector if you want to. I will supply you with a copy of the Ofsted report within five working days of receiving the report.

I hope that you will also keep me informed about anything that may affect your child’s time with me. I need to be made aware of changes in the child’s circumstances that could affect their behaviour during the day – big changes like a new baby or bereavement, or even little things like a bad night’s sleep. If mornings and evenings are too rushed a time to stay and talk then we can always arrange an evening or weekend time for you to come and talk things over.

Outings and Transport
I will safely supervise children when we go on outings or trips. Before trips I assess the risks or hazards which may arise for the children and identify the steps I will take to remove, minimise and manage those risks. You will need to sign to say you are happy for your child to be taken on routine outings, and for any special trips we take you will need to sign a special permission form. In the extremely unlikely event of a child going missing while in my care I will tell the police and search the area. Then, I will contact the parents and Ofsted.

I teach the children about safety issues (such as strangers and road safety) when we are out and about. Younger child will be strapped into a pushchair; older children are taught to walk safely holding my hand or the pushchair until they are old enough to walk by my side.

Many children like to use the internet to support them in their homework and to chat to their friends. But the internet can also be a very dangerous place for them. I offer children the opportunity to use the computer and the internet and I have introduced a range of procedures to ensure their safety including a filter on my computer that blocks out most inappropriate material. I talk to the children about the websites they are using and am always nearby so that I can keep an eye out on what websites they are visiting. I also check the ‘history’ on the computer regularly and discuss keeping safe online with the children. You will need to sign to say whether you are happy for your child to use the internet or not.

Mobile Phones, Cameras and Visitors
I normally carry my mobile phone with me whenever we are out and about. This has lots of benefits as it means that I can contact you in the event of an illness or emergency and you can contact me. This does mean that I will need to store your phone numbers on my mobile phone and you will need to sign to say that you are happy for me to do this.

I need to take photographs of your child in order to complete their learning journey folders which are inspected by Ofsted. It’s also nice for you to see what we’ve been doing! I sometimes use my camera, and sometimes my mobile phone to take these photos. After I have transferred the photos into a password protected file on my computer, I then delete the digital photos from either my camera or my phone. I display the photos at my house, in your child’s learning journey. I will never post your child’s photographs onto the web or use them in any other way without your permission. I will need you to sign to say that you are happy for me to photograph you child and for me to store photographs of your child on my computer for these purposes.
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